Rules and Discipline

Attendance / Leave:-

  • 1. Pupils who have been Absent from class must have the reason entered in the record for Non- attendance stating briefly the cause of absence. Reasons of a private nature may be submitted in a letter. Absence from school in order to study is not allowed. Leave of absence is not granted except on prior written application from the parent or Guardian.
  • 2. Those who come late must have their late Attendance Record duly signed by the teacher-in- charge in order to be admitted to the classroom
  • 3. Repeated absence without leave application for more than ten consecutive days renders the pupil liable to have her / his name struck off the rolls. Readmission, if granted, will be done on payment of readmission fee.
  • 4. All the students are expected to be present on the opening day of the school session. A medical certificate must be presented by those absent of sickness.
  • 5. No pupil is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours Letters from parents in this regard will not be entertained.

Rule and Discipline:-

  • 1. On class days and school functions The children are expected to wear the uniform prescribed for the season.
  • 2. Any kind of damage within the school premises must be made good by the one who does it.

Norms of promotion:-

  • 1. Promotion is decided on the marks obtained throughout the year combined with the marks of the Final Examination.
  • 2. Only pupils who have passed in all the subjects finally have the right to be promoted to the highest standard.
  • 3. Promotions are decided with the teachers concerned and due consideration is given to each student. Hence the results are final and cannot be considered.
  • 4. The school management reserves the right to add or amend any of these Rules and the same shall be binding on the parents are the pupils.